
HometaskBot License Stars Codestyle ===========

Simple to use Telegram bot, that can send hometask from schools.by, belorussian e-diary platform.


git clone https://github.com/VadVergasov/HometaskBot.git
cd HometaskBot
python3 -m venv bot-env
bot-env\Scripts\activate.bat # For Windows.
source bot-env/bin/activate # For Linux and MacOS
pip install -r requirements.txt

Copy config.py.template to config.py insert all required values (example can be found in examples folder), then run by

python3 main.py

Basic usage

How to login: type /login. Bot will reply to this command with a message. You should reply to bot’s message with your credentials in format username password. This will save your token and let you use the bot.

To get hometask, you should type /hometask. That will return button list with days in week. First and last buttons used to switch previous/upcoming weeks accordingly.

/set command is useful for using bot in group chat. Typing this command will link the group’s diary to the diary of the person who sent the command. Note. Person, who sent the command should have token, registered in bot (in simple words, logged into the bot)

/marks command will give you all marks in current quarter.

/select is command for parents for selecting pupil.


Licensed under GPLv3. See LICENSE file.